Maren Schmidt is a Montessori teacher who shares her 30+ years of experience through her books, online webinars, and her weekly newsletter, "Kids Talk".
You can find Maren here.
Dr. JoAnn Deak is both an educator and a psychologist. She specializes in child development, identity formation, and how children's brains can be "sculpted" by the interactions and experiences they have during childhood. She has written numerous books and articles.
Dr. Carol Dweck is a leading researcher in the study of motivation; her focus is why people succeed and how to create that success. She has written a book on this topic.
Dr. Joyce Pickering has dedicated her life to helping students with learning differences of all kinds through Montessori. She has previously served on the board for the American Montessori Society and as the executive director for the Shelton School.
You can find Dr. Pickering's story here, and an article she wrote about learning differences in the Montessori environment here.