"The training of the teacher who is to help life is something far more than the learning of ideas. It includes the training of character; it is a preparation of the spirit."
Thank you so much for an amazing program experience. I admire your knowledge and passion for children and Montessori….carry on these wonderful teachings to all the children I may have the honor of teaching
My training through AMTEP was comprehensive, interactive, and transformative. All of my instructors were a guiding path. I feel prepared and honored to guide my own classroom.
I knew I wanted to be a Montessori teacher…something that made me feel I was bringing more peace to the world. It was never a question of if I would take training, but how. Without the scholarship I received, I would not have been able to begin so soon. Now I am impacting the lives of 6-9-year olds in my community through the gifts of choice, peace, and Montessori. I am forever grateful…
Don't get behind on illustrations! Work as a team with your classmates...They know what you're going through and they'll become awesome resources for years to come. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Our instructors are amazing, they don't judge, and they are always there for you.
Dear students, I hope you enjoy your journey because you will leave a different person than the one who came in. You will be stretched and moved in many ways. The one tip I can give you is to take the practice time you get and use every minute of it and wish you had it later on. Best of luck to you all! Have fun. See you on the other side!!!
Jane will show you how to present math lessons with exquisite precision, presence, and simplicity. Her demonstrations are priceless and will give you years and years of learning material if you watch closely and take good notes. You must, however, give yourself permission in your first years of teaching to be really imperfect so you can get all those lessons taught.
I think the most important thing for trainees is that, when they get that feeling of being overwhelmed, to relax and know that they are not going to remember every single lesson! I've been in the classroom for eight years now and I still use my albums. We all learn new things every day. :)
Here is my advice. The biggest mistake I made in the Math course was not to go home each night and do a few album pages. Don't wait to catch up over the weekend, as it is very overwhelming. Slow and steady wins the race.